Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024. High of 66 F. Temperature decreasing. It is time to prepare. It is time to make the voyage. The treacherous trek. The fatal flight. My trip southbound will soon commence. I must rally the troops. We must meet in the academic quad every single day and block the sidewalk from all angles. No econ student may enter. No poli sci pupil may pass.
Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. High of 79 F. Maybe the decrease in temperature was a false alarm. The troop is staying vigilant and in position. We are ready for the voyage, but will appreciate the last few days of sunshine. We will soon leave for the south.
Thursday, Oct. 10, 2024. High of 59 F. The temperature has been decreasing for the past few days. We are set to leave in the next week if all stays constant.
Saturday, Oct. 12, 2024. High of 72 F. A bit confused on how to proceed. The temperature fluctuation is not something our squadron is accustomed to. We will wait a few more days, but we are sure to leave by the end of October. Exposure to Wellesley for extended periods may have drastic effects.
Thursday, Oct. 31, 2024. High of 79 F. What the hell.We are not used to being here this long. B sector has started using she/they pronouns, all 13 of them. We are in unexplored territory.
Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2024. High of 81 F. Wilfred got cooked. Literally. This is ridiculous. We are leaving no matter the temperature. We are prepared to lose a few men comrades to the heat. I have a family to see. I am now a bisexual.
Monday, Nov. 18, 2024. High of 61 F. Most of the troops have left. I am setting off today. Willfredd, wHENdy, and Willhonk are staying behind. They believe temperatures will rise once more.
Thursday, Nov. 28, 2024. High of ??? F. I have received a nearly frozen letter from Willfredd. It is remarkable how it is still frozen after reaching Miami. I am mentally preparing myself for the imminent Thanksgiving dinner argument with my conservative family. I hope they don’t exile me from the flock for being bisexual.