Student appointments announced
Saraphin Dhanani ’16 and Cassandra Flores-Montano ’16 have been selected as the two student representatives for the Commission on Race, Gender and Ethnicity. Catherine Woodhouse ’18, a current Senator in Bates Hall, will serve as the Senate Parliamentarian for the 2015-16 school year.
Senate approves new computer for Student Bursar’s Office
Student Bursar Eugene Lee ’15 and her successor, Isabelle van de Walle ’17, had their request for a 27-inch Macintosh desktop computer for the Bursar’s Office, which would replace an inefficient Wellesley-provided computer, approved by Senate on Tuesday. The $1,899 cost will be subtracted from the Bursar’s Office’s emergency fund, the use of which was also approved by Senate last week. The replacement computer will be used to supplement the already functional computer in the Bursar’s Office and enable bookkeepers to continue carrying out their duties effectively.
Wellesley joins other women’s colleges in HBS weekend program
Wellesley College will begin participating in the PEEK program this year, according to Associate Dean of Students Carol Bate. The Harvard Business School (HBS) program allows college students interested in business to stay in cam- pus housing while taking renowned business school courses taught by HBS faculty. PEEK Weekend takes place from June 19 to 21 this year and is open to current sophomores, juniors and seniors. The program costs $500, but Wellesley is offering scholarships for eligible attendees. The applica- tion, which is available on the HBS website, requires a short personal statement, resume and contact information. The deadline is May 15.