Title IX Coordinator finalists announced
Interim Dean of Students Adele Wolfson announced that the finalists for Wellesley College’s Title IX Coordinator have been chosen. The Coordinator’s position entails overseeing sexual misconduct policy at Wellesley and educating students about sexual misconduct. There were open forums in the Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center on Monday and Wednesday to meet the candidates and ask them questions.
Associate Provost for Career Education
delivers CWS update
Christine Yip Cruzvergara, the Executive Director and Associate Provost for Career Education, announced that the Center for Work and Service (CWS) will be undergoing a total reorganization in the next year. This will include allocating resources to ensure a more seamless connection between Wellesley alumnae and current students, a reconfiguration of the website and giving a new name to the CWS. Yip Cruzvergara will embark on a “listening tour,” where she will take in input about potential changes from major stakeholders. She will also hold office hours on March 10 beginning at 4:30 p.m. at her office in 450 Green Hall for students to ask questions and give input.
Committee forming for upcoming
College Government Cabinet elections
College Government President Adeline Lee announced that elections for the College Government Cabinet (CGC) will be held on April 7. Campaign week will commence the week before election day, running from March 30 to April 6. Candidates must submit statements of intent, which will be published on March 30. In addition, a committee will be appointed to oversee the election process. The committee’s job is to decide candidate eligibility, the powers of the campaign team, how much money candidates may spend and how social media can be used in the campaign. Additionally, the committee will hold an information session for candidates, act as a resource for questions regarding the elections, hold a debate for the candidates, publish the elections schedule and run the voting booths on election day. The committee will be comprised of CGC members, Student Organizations and Appointments Committee representatives, Multicultural Presidents’ Council and House Presidents’ Council members and College Government senators.