President Johnson addresses Senate
President Johnson attended Senate to listen to concerns from students as well as learn about the structure of college government. She is interested in seeing how the mental health initiative by College Government will move forward this academic year. President Johnson is also hosting trick or treating at her house from 6-8 p.m. She encourages students to dress up if they wish.
Freeman living room completed
Dean Carol Bate announced that the Freeman living room is now open to students. This Wednesday evening there will be a reception hosted in the living room with members from the Board of Trustees in attendance.
Haunted Houghton– New halloween event this year
On Saturday from 9-10,p.m., there will be halloween events in the residential neighborhoods. On west side, festivities will occur in Tower and on east side they will occur in Bates. At 10:30, there will be a costume contest in Houghton Chapel where students are eligible to win prizes. Lastly, there will be a special halloween concert. This is the first time the event will take place. Students are encouraged to attend.
Dean Steinwert from The Office of Religious and Spiritual Life presents at Senate
Office of Religious and Spiritual Life (ORSL) Dean Tiffany Steinwert presented at Senate on Monday evening about mental health resources available to students in the ORSL. She discussed Cultivating Calm and the services being offered through this initiative. Each day of the week ORSL schedules a different de-stressing activity catered to students who desire a time in their day for relaxation and calm. Steinwert also spoke about the type of counseling services available to students through ORSL. She encouraged students who wish for spiritual guidance to schedule an appointment with the chaplains located on the second floor of Billings. Chaplains are confidential resources at the college, and students do not have to be affiliated with a certain faith or religious to schedule an appointment with a chaplain. Lastly, Steinwert announced that the college and ORSL plan to construct a labyrinth on campus. Students are invited to attend workshops on how to construct or walk through a labyrinth.
Election Committee Applications to be released soon
CG is beginning the process of selecting the new Elections Committee for the CG elections in the spring. Three representatives from the student body will be selected through an application process by SOAC. CG intends to have the positions filled by mid November. Students serving on Elections Committee cannot run for CG cabinet positions. They will also be involved in revising the Elections Committee Handbook for the coming election.
Special Election to be held for Secretary Treasurer
For financial and personal reasons, the Secretary Treasurer for CG has decided to resign from her position. In light of her resignation, there will be a special election held this coming week. The announcement has reintroduced issues about income status affecting a student’s eligibility to run for CG cabinet positions. There will be a mandatory informational session for students interested in running Tuesday October 25 from 6-8 in the student resource room. Statements of intent are due Friday October 28 at 4pm. Active campaigning begins October 28 at 6pm and ends Thursday November 3 at 11:59 pm.