CPLA and Wellesley College Alumnae Association to hold Election Night events
Two Election Night watch parties will be held on Tues. Nov. 8. Students are encouraged to attend the event hosted by the Committee for Political and Legislative Awareness (CPLA) held in Tishman Commons at 7:30pm. Offcampus guests for this event are welcome with a valid student ID and $5 entrance fee. A second community event primarily for Wellesley alumnae will be hosted by the Wellesley College Alumnae Association at the Keohane Sports Center Field House at 8:00pm. Given that large numbers of visitors to campus are expected on Election Day, Dean Lori Tenser called on students to help keep the Wellesley campus and community safe.
SLAP presents at Senate on improving campus work-study
Members of the Student Labor Action Project (SLAP) presented to Senate about their new campaign to guarantee work-study for students granted it in their financial aid award from Wellesley. The members shared common student concerns over work-study, such as the emotional and financial burden created for first-years when they are unable to find an on-campus work-study job upon their arrival to college. In addition, the SLAP members presented actions SLAP has already taken such as meeting with Student Financial Services, and actions that will be taken, such as meeting with President Johnson. SLAP members urged Senate to spread the word about their mission and encouraged students to share their experience with work-study with SLAP through their organization website http://wcslap. tumblr.com/. Students with any questions or wish to get involved with SLAP should contact Alexis Boyd at [email protected].
Senate discusses state of the arts and sports at Wellesley
Presidents of AscenDance, Wellesley College Dancers, Freestyle and the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee presented on the nature of their organizations and the events they host. They raised concerns over the low visibility of the arts and sports at Wellesley and limited attendance at performances and sports games, and sought avenues for collaboration with Senate. Following the sharing, Senators made suggestions as to how the arts and sports can become more integral to campus culture. Suggestions proposed included incentivizing attendance at arts and sports events, sending out weekly newsletters on arts and sports events, and making support for the arts and sports a Wellesley tradition.
College Government releases more details on Elections Committee
College Government affirmed at Senate this week that Elections Committee 2016- 2017 will be formed by mid-November this year. This marks a change from previous years, whereby the Elections Committee was formed in the spring semester. The Elections Committee is responsible for overseeing the CG Cabinet elections process in the spring, and is comprised of current CG Cabinet members not seeking re-election, two elected Senators, and three representatives from the student body. Committee members cannot run for a CG Cabinet position, and can expect a commitment level of one meeting this semester and an increased meeting frequency next semester. Applications for student body representatives will be released tentatively this week and will be handled by the Student Organizations and Appointments Committee (SOAC).
Clarification on Ideafest
In reference to the information published in the October 19 edition of the Senate Report, College Government affirmed at the October 24 Senate and at Senate this week that Ideafest was an initiative that concluded 2015-2016. Funds leftover from funding the sole Ideafest project – the Adirondack Chair project – were put into a general contingency fund. Students interested in continuing Ideafest projects should contact CG President Zainab Younus at cgpresident@ wellesley.edu.