Upcoming concerts at Wellesley
As part of the Concert Series, Wellesley’s Department of Music has brought musical performers to the college throughout the semester. The Blue Jazz Strings & Combos Fall Concert will take place this Friday, Dec. 2 at 7:30 p.m. in the Jewett Art Center Auditorium. The concert, as described on the department’s website, will celebrate women musicians “past and present, in the world of improvised music.” Another concert taking place this weekend is the Carillon Holiday Open Tower concert by The Wellesley College Guild of Carillonneurs at 1 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 4. The Galen Stone Tower will be open to visitors during the concert. A full list of upcoming music events can be found on The Wellesley Department of Music’s website.
President’s letter to the editor published in New York Times
After the New York Times published “Hostile Acts Against Minorities, Often Invoking Trump, Erupts Across U.S.” in its Nov. 11 issue, President Paula A. Johnson promptly wrote a letter to the editor which was then published on the Opinions’ Pages (A26) of the Nov. 16 issue. Refuting claims in the original article that Wellesley College was founded as a safe space, President Johnson wrote that Wellesley’s founding was a “revolutionary act” prompted by “a vision for democracy and equal opportunity for women.” The response, posted to Facebook, has over 2,300 likes. Her full response can be found on Wellesley’s website.
Winter Market this week
The German Club will be hosting a winter market this week on Wednesday, Nov. 30 during community time (12:30-2:15 p.m.) in the 2nd floor fireplace room of the Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center. The event will be joined by the Korean Students’ Association, Taiwanese Cultural Organization, Wellesley Association for South Asian Cultures, Ethos, Al-Muslimat, the Wellesley Widows, and other members of the community. The gathering is a multicultural event for the Wellesley community to come together in a fun market setting. Items to be sold include: food, drinks, different organizations’ merchandise and other accessories.
Wellesley holds meeting to discuss admission and aid policy for undocumented students
Following the presidential Election, campus policies regarding undocumented students have been a common topic of conversation around Wellesley College. As a response, Wellesley Dean of Admission and Financial Aid, Joy St. John held a town hall meeting on Thursday, Nov. 17th to discuss Wellesley’s admission and financial aid policies for undocumented students. While Wellesley legally cannot allocate federal financial aid dollars to undocumented students, the College funds 100% of demonstrated need by all students, regardless of their citizenship. Undocumented students, along with International students, receive financial aid from grant dollars and institutional funds. A full interview with St. John regarding Wellesley’s efforts to address these concerns can be found on Wellesley’s website under the ‘2016 Stories’ tab.