Hi Wellesley!
We want to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves to you — we are your new College Government Cabinet for the 2017-2018 academic year. Thank you for the support and enthusiasm you have shown us these past few weeks since the beginning of our campaigns. We are immensely grateful and are eager to serve the community to the best of our abilities.
As incoming CGP, Maryam Khan ran on a platform to keep College Government accountable and provide the student body information and updates throughout the year. This note is to reiterate this commitment, and this column will provide a space where this commitment will be actively practiced. In the past week since turnover in preparation for the coming year, we have begun the process of learning more about our respective committees and the resources available to us next year in order for us to complete our agenda. However, most of these plans will be discussed in greater detail during our training in August 2017.
In our first week, we as a Cabinet met and discussed our tentative plans for the coming year and our first Senate on Monday, May 1 in the Academic Council Room from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. This Senate fell on the same day as “A Day Without Immigrants,” a cause that we, as Cabinet, and many of our siblings on campus, empathize with and are invested in. Due to decisions made regarding agenda scheduling which we did not have control over, we were unable to cancel Senate to join the strike but wanted to make clear our support of these efforts.
We urge you to learn more about the significance of the strike and the efforts of our peers, such as those involved with Raíz, by engaging with them in these organizing efforts. Other sources of information include the the MAC column in The Wellesley News as well as the statement emailed out by Cabinet. As a new incoming Cabinet, we collectively recognize the significance of honoring these organized efforts. We also want to reiterate that we are here to serve as a resource to the College community. We are and will continue to be approachable student leaders willing and ready to provide support.
Lastly, to introduce ourselves in person and continue tradition, Cabinet will be providing free ice cream for all students during reading period. Keep your eyes out for ice cream at one of our multiple stops on Sunday, May 7! We are excited to get to work and serve our community. In the meantime, we wish you the best with finals, and watch your inboxes and Facebook to get updates on our upcoming ice cream stops this Sunday!
See you in the Fall and have a great end of the semester!
All our best,
College Government Cabinet ’17-’18:
Maryam Khan—CGP
Karen Su–CGVP
Paige Cheatham–DOOCA
Dina Al-Zu’bi–MAC
Margot Lipin–Sec-Treas
Tashay Campbell–Chief Justice
Sarah Nealon–CPLA Chair
Maggie Neel–HPC-CG Liaison
Natalie Jin–Student Bursar