Sustainability Committee writes guidelines for building construction
The Sustainability Committee is currently drafting sustainability guidelines involving the construction of buildings. The committee will host presentations on these guidelines on Mar. 10 and during the Ruhlman Conference before submitting these guidelines to President H. Kim Bottomly at the end of May. The Class of 1957 Green Fund is also accepting suggestions on how to make the campus more sustainable. Past projects have included the bike share program and the provision of reusable water bottles during orientation.
SAAFE voices concerns to CG about Sleepwalker statue
Jeni Prater, president of Sexual Assault Awareness for Everyone (SAAFE), presented an open letter to College Government about the negative impact the statue has had on sexual assault survivors. The letter stated that the unavoidable presence of Matelli’s piece has been a trigger for several survivors and urged that the arts and freedom of speech should not overshadow the health and well being of students on campus. Prater mentioned that five students personally approached her about the statue while other students have approached various members of SAAFE.
Student Board of Trustees Committees open applications
The Student Board of Trustees Committees presented to College Government about positions on various committees that are available next year. Students can apply to committees on student life, proxy voting, landscape and buildings, finance and admissions. The student life committee has made recommendations on student wellness and campus renewal to the administration. The proxy voting committee is a subcommittee of the investment committee that votes on shareholder decisions. The finance committee informs the Board of Trustees on the financial context of events on campus. The landscape and buildings committee will deal with future campus renewal plans. Applications are due this Friday at 12 p.m.