24 hours of prayer
Members of four student-run Christian groups on campus joined to hold a 24-hour prayer, worship and reflection service. The service was held in the Houghton Chapel and lasted from 6 .p.m. on Friday, Sept. 28 to 6 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 29. The groups that hosted the event include the Black Women’s Ministry (BWM), Symphony Church, Intervarsity and the InterCollegiate Fellowship (ICF). Though 24 hours of prayer, worship and reflection were organized by Christian groups, members of all religious backgrounds and beliefs were encouraged to attend.
Wellesley earns 2018 Environmental Merit Award
This week, the Environmental Protection Agency awarded Wellesley College with a 2018 Environmental Merit Award for its work in the non-profit partnership “Food For Free.” Wellesley joined the “Food For Free” partnership this past February, along with Babson College, Bentley University, Olin College of Engineering and multiple public elementary and middle schools in the town of Wellesley. The purpose of “Food For Free” is to collect excess food from places like Wellesley College and deliver it to individuals in need. Since joining the partnership in February, Wellesley has donated an estimated 600 pounds of food. The college is projected to donate 2,000 pounds of food by the end of the academic year.
Coffee with campus police
Today marks the third annual Coffee with a Cop Day. The purpose of the nationally celebrated event is to force connections between members of law enforcement and the communities they serve. The Wellesley College Police Department will celebrate Coffee with a Cop Day today from 10 a.m. to 12 a.m. in the Anderson Forum in the Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center. Students are encouraged to drop by and have coffee with members of the Wellesley College Police Department.