Dear Wellesley,
My name is Ashley Song (she/her) and I am a proud member of the yellow class of 2027. I’m interested in political science, economics, data science, and food (as a side passion)- and I’m hoping to serve as your Secretary-Treasurer!
First and foremost, I am a community-oriented person. For friends who know me, I am friendly, chatty, but most of all, willing to listen. Throughout high school, I focused on work as a part of my AAPI community, acting as a liaison between AAPI peers, various student affinity spaces, but also our high school’s Community and Multicultural Development office—and this dedication didn’t stop there. I’ve continued leaning into my passion for community by getting involved with the CG Committee for Political Engagement’s discussions on spurring civic engagement on campus and contributing to its bi-weekly newsletter “The Update.” Embracing the intersection of my academic interests and commitment to community-wide work, I’ve joined the Student Interdisciplinary Data Initiative E-board as a Co-Treasurer.
In my commitment as a treasurer, I’ve been exposed to the logistics and complexities surrounding funding and importantly, learned of its inaccessibility. Via conversations with friends, I’ve discovered just how difficult it is to access information about funding as a regular student on campus. In delegatory work, I believe it’s all about transparency and how we can democratize access to tools that can affect change and tap into resources available to us on campus. Through one-on-one conversations and campus-wide information sessions, I would like to make information more accessible about matters such as College Government, constitutional processes, SOFC (Student Organization Funding Committee) funding, and everything you may never even have heard of. I believe having enough information is a crucial starting point for Wellesley students to have greater access to the change they want to see on campus.
It starts with that doorway to information and and maybe simply, a conversation. For all of this and more, I would be honored to be your Secretary-Treasurer. Please reach out to me at [email protected] if you have any questions, I would love to speak (I love chatting)!
Voting will take place via WEngage on March 5th. For more information, check out or email any questions to to [email protected]
Ashley Song