College will host two Town Hall meetings before end of semester
The College administration will hold a Town Hall meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 18 from 12:30 to 2 p.m. during community time in Jewett Auditorium, and another on Wednesday, Dec. 4 at the same time in Alumnae Hall Ballroom. The meetings allow members of the Wellesley College community to provide feedback and ask questions about the major initiatives of the College, which include Wellesley 2025, the recent decrease of a target rate of 4.5 percent to 4.25 percent in the annual withdrawal from the endowment, implementation of the shadow grading policy and Fossil Free Wellesley. This year, students, faculty and staff may submit their questions in advance so that the College will know what subjects interest the community the most.
Hazing policy committee will hold its first meeting
The hazing policy committee will hold its first meeting this Friday, Nov. 8. The goal of the committee is to update and clarify the old hazing policy, which has been criticized for being vague and unhelpful. The committee is headed by Meg Jordan and will include two student representatives: Holly Shreckengast ’15 and Teryn Mitchell ’16. The policy is expected to be in development until next semester.
Renovations to Schneider become more active this week
The second phase of the renovation of Schneider Center, the first project in Wellesley 2025 (W2025), began this week. The work will be much louder and more public than the earlier demolition. Within the renoated Schneider Center, the College hopes to unite several administrative offices including the Class Deans, Registrar, International Studies, Student Financial Services, Student Housing and the Student Aid Society. The College plans to renovate the Dorothy Towne Field House from March to December 2014 and is currently communicating with sports clubs, teams and other groups that use the space to develop plans to use alternate places.