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The Wellesley News

The student newspaper of Wellesley College since 1901

The Wellesley News

The student newspaper of Wellesley College since 1901

The Wellesley News

All content by Active Minds
Photo courtesy of Active Minds

Mind Full: 3/22

Active Minds | March 24, 2017

In our recent series, Eigga had taken the first step in reaching out for help after failing her exam. After speaking with a friend who noticed her struggling, perhaps Eigga decided to meet with her dean...

Photo courtesy of Active Minds

Mind Full: 3/8

Active Minds | March 11, 2017

This is the first installment of a short series coming up in the Mind Full column, which will be about what to expect when going to therapy. Keep a lookout for the next tale in Eigga’s (and other students’)...

Photo courtesy of Active Minds

Mind Full: 1/3

Active Minds | March 3, 2017

When’s the last time you combed a chicken? Have you ever written a wish on a balloon? Had your face painted like a lion? Challenged the way you think about mental health? Actually changed the way you...

Photo courtesy of Active Minds

Mind Full with Active Minds: 2/15

Active Minds | February 16, 2017

Meditation is a familiar term to many. Though most people have heard of the benefits of meditation, the practice in and of itself often comes across as daunting. Many people want to reduce stress and relieve...

Photo courtesy of Active Minds


Active Minds | November 30, 2016

We hope you’ve had a great break! Whether you relaxed by a fire, found your way into the heart of a small animal or scurried your way to Bates for brunch, we hope that you found joy this break. In many...

Photo courtesy of Active Minds


Active Minds | November 17, 2016

Strong community responses to events, from elections to eating disorders HAPPY LOVE YOUR BODY WEEK! It does feel a little off to start this week’s column screaming with capital letters about love your...

Photo courtesy of Active Minds


Active Minds | November 10, 2016

Around campus you’ve probably heard people encourage you to practice self care. But you might be wondering what exactly is self care, how do I practice it, and what are the benefits? Just like how our...

Photo courtesy of Active Minds

Mind Full: 10/26

Active Minds | October 26, 2016

People chose to become Mental Health Educators for a variety of reasons. This week we are sharing some MHE’s reasons why they are Mental Health Educators and why they care about Mental Health education....

Photo courtesy of Active Minds

Are you a mental health stigma fighter?

Active Minds | October 5, 2016

This past Monday, Oct. 3, Active Minds chapters across the country celebrated National Day Without Stigma.  The Active Minds website states that the goal of the day is “to eliminate the shame and discrimination...

Photo courtesy of Active Minds

Mind Full: 9/28

Active Minds | September 29, 2016

Last column, we introduced you to the Mental Health Educators (MHEs). Since then, we’ve had our first MHE training session. Just a reminder: Mental Health Educators are peer educators in our residence...

Photo courtesy of Active Minds

Mind Full: 9/14

Active Minds | September 14, 2016

Welcome to Mind Full, the corner of The Wellesley News dedicated to addressing all your mental health questions and concerns. Active Minds is excited to announce that this column will be a weekly feature...

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