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The student newspaper of Wellesley College since 1901

The Wellesley News

The student newspaper of Wellesley College since 1901

The Wellesley News

The student newspaper of Wellesley College since 1901

The Wellesley News

All content by Emily Boyk
Photo courtesy of NBC News

DeVos should not defend perpetrators at the expense of survivors

Emily Boyk | September 23, 2017

Nearly two weeks ago, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos announced that she would be opening up Title IX for “notice-and-comment.” This is the first step on the way to rescinding the 2011 guidance on...

Decriminalize sex work and prostitution

Decriminalize sex work and prostitution

Emily Boyk | September 9, 2015

As the saying goes, sex work is the world’s oldest profession. Yet, sex work is no ordinary profession, as its legality and morality remain deeply contentious in modern society. As much as we would like...

Dear queer people: don’t cater to straight voices

Dear queer people: don’t cater to straight voices

Emily Boyk | March 11, 2015

HuffPost Live producer Brooke Sopelsa garnered online attention two weeks ago after publishing a controversial article on the Huffington Post’s blog. Sopelsa’s article, entitled “Dear Queer People:...

NYC street harassment video reinforces racial and gender prejudices

Emily Boyk | November 12, 2014

The video “10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman,” which was created by anti-street harassment organization Hollaback, sparked discussion and controversy throughout the country this past week. Everyone...

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