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The Wellesley News

The student newspaper of Wellesley College since 1901

The Wellesley News

The student newspaper of Wellesley College since 1901

The Wellesley News

All content by Genevieve Huang

Staff Series: Shafer Hall custodians Paula Glorioso and Maureen Mota transform a dorm into a home

Genevieve Huang | April 19, 2017

“If you need any more help, my name’s Maureen. You can find me around here. Good luck moving in!” Maureen Mota, a tall woman with a big smile, strides out of a soon-to-be resident’s room in Shafer...

Staff Series: Research librarian Sarah Hoskins navigates between fact and fiction both at Wellesley and beyond

Genevieve Huang | April 5, 2017

Writer and activist Wendell Berry once said, “Teachers are everywhere. What is wanted is a student.” As a renowned liberal arts institution, Wellesley College is known for its distinguished faculty....

Genevieve Huang ’18 interviews President Kim Bottomly. | Courtesy of the Office of Communications and Publicity.

President Bottomly reflects on her tenure and legacy at Wellesley College

Genevieve Huang | May 5, 2016

Commemorating her 9th and final year as President of Wellesley College, President Kim Bottomly has served the college community since August 2007. Having worked as an immunologist before coming to...

Professor Stanley Chang

Mathematician seeks to merge his profession with passions for music and language

Genevieve Huang | April 14, 2016

There’s a deep laugh that periodically resonates through the halls of the Science Center’s third floor. It is sudden and strong. And it belongs to math professor Stanley Chang. He is a man with a double...

Professor Glenn Stark. | Photo courtesy of Natalia Marques '19, Photography Editor.

Professor Glenn Stark recounts unconventional path to professorship

Genevieve Huang | March 17, 2016

He strides across the Science Center straight-backed and solemn (his mother used to say he had “shoulders like a soldier”) but in the classroom and the office he is relaxed and cheery. Now, in his...

Professor Corinne Gartner. | Photo courtesy of Natalia Marques '19, Photography Editor

Pondering the fundamental questions of life, Professor Corinne Gartner integrates medicine and philosophy

Genevieve Huang | March 4, 2016

What becomes immediately clear upon talking to philosophy professor Corinne Gartner is how easy she is to talk to. Her charming aura spreads into her office space: books neatly line the walls, little stuffed...

Courtesy of Megan Stormberg '18, Photography Editor

From cattle to chemistry: David Haines explores different paths

Genevieve Huang | February 17, 2016

Professor David Haines can often be seen sitting in his office with the door open, turning over what looks like a frightening ball-and-stick molecular model in front of a student, demonstrating how he...

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