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The student newspaper of Wellesley College since 1901

The Wellesley News

The student newspaper of Wellesley College since 1901

The Wellesley News

The student newspaper of Wellesley College since 1901

The Wellesley News

All content by Grace Ballenger
Students are paired with a mentor to help them navigate their career interests. | Photo by Alice Pan '20, Staff Photographer

Wellesley’s Career Education effectively implements new initiatives and garners positive feedback

Grace Ballenger | March 1, 2017

Launched at the beginning of this academic year, Wellesley’s Career Education is a newer model of what was formerly known as the Center for Work and Service (CWS). In addition to a name change, the new...

Wellesley students have the opportunity to research with a Classics professor in Greece over the summer. | Photo by Maya Nandakumar, Opinions Editor

Alternative study abroad options diversify students’ international experiences

Grace Ballenger | February 16, 2017

About 45 percent of the junior class elects to study abroad for a semester or a full year, but this does not mean that students from other years or students who cannot take the time to study abroad for...

Several Wellesley Facebook groups allow for anonymity. | Photo by K Chin '17, Staff Photographer

Anonymous Facebook groups offer outlet and support for both students and alumnae

Grace Ballenger | November 17, 2016

Compared to apps like Yik Yak or Whisper, Facebook is one of the social media giants less associated with anonymity. The anonymous use of Facebook has also dropped since the company announced its controversial...

Photo courtesy of Creative Commons.

Off campus babysitting provides flexibility and family time

Grace Ballenger | September 29, 2016

For many Wellesley students, one of the principal complaints they have about college life is the fact that living and working on campus is vastly different than a home environment. But for students who...

Students perform at an event hosted by Wellesley Out Loud last semester. | Courtesy of Jamila Miller '18.

Open mic events showcase student diversity and cultivate an artistic community

Grace Ballenger | September 22, 2016

In the past few semesters, open mic nights have popped up as a type of event on campus, offering students the chance to voice their opinions and experiences on a variety of topics. Wellesley Out Loud,...

Tsukiji fish market in Tokyo, Japan. | Courtesy of The Huffington Post

Technological advances modernize the seafood industry and prevent fraud

Grace Ballenger | September 22, 2016

Fishing is one of the world’s oldest industries, and for the most part, the technology used today is still the same as it has been for hundreds of years. Outdated technology such as pen and paper recordkeeping,...

Students discuss ideas for better campus accessibility at a sum- mer brainstorming session. | Courtesy of Eni Mustafaraj

Office of Disability Services involves professors and community members to educate about accessibility

Grace Ballenger | September 14, 2016

Many Wellesley students go about their day ignoring the handicapped signs, ramps and elevators that are sprinkled around campus. But for a small percentage of the community, these accommodations, along...

Press this icon for school-wide embarrassment. Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

New student organization aims to stop the use of ‘reply all’

Grace Ballenger | November 23, 2015

Irked by students who hit “reply all” while responding to school-wide emails and augment the already excessive number of emails that the general population receives daily, a group of students has formed...

Gordon offered insights on how to pursue a career in government. Photography by Grace Ballenger '17, Features Editor

Women in Intelligence Careers lecture offers job insights

Grace Ballenger | November 6, 2015

The political science department hosted a lecture by Sue Gordon, Deputy Director of the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA), which gave students both a perspective on high-level government...

Leader of the Re-Orientation group Melissa Jo 

Zambrana ’15.5 (left) poses with Katie Warshauer ’16 (right).

New org helps students after leaves of absence

Grace Ballenger | October 3, 2015

'Re-Orientation' provides administrative and social support A new unconstituted org called the Re-Orientation group was created this year to provide administrative and social support for students who...

Olin’s ‘deliver me’ debuts at Wellesley

Olin’s ‘deliver me’ debuts at Wellesley

Grace Ballenger | April 30, 2015

This mailbox recently appeared in the Lulu Chow Wang Center near Mail Services. It is part of the “deliver me” project, started by five Olin College of Engineering students, Gaby Clarke, Marie-Caroline...

Student government: then and now

Student government: then and now

Grace Ballenger | April 8, 2015

The Wellesley College student government began on Feb. 18, 1876, after the College had been open only one year as a way to police academic violations. In 1887,  faculty and students began preliminary...

Student pushes for new male speech therapy program

Student pushes for new male speech therapy program

Grace Ballenger | April 1, 2015

***Editor's Note: This article was published as part of the satirical April 1, 2015 issue Aya Takalat ’16 has a plan to bring male voices to campus, but not in a social or political capacity. Instead,...

Amnesty International hosts second International Women’s Day event

Amnesty International hosts second International Women’s Day event

Grace Ballenger | March 11, 2015

At the start of the International Women’s Day celebration last Sunday, Tishman Commons was packed with people there to see the spoken word poet Andrea Gibson. By the end of the event, the number of participants...

Women’s engineering conference addresses gender gap in the field

Women’s engineering conference addresses gender gap in the field

Grace Ballenger | February 18, 2015

The Harvard Women in Computer Science group hosted its second Women Engineers Code conference (WECode) at Harvard University on Feb. 7 and 8. The event was packed with keynote lectures, lightning talks...

Alpha Kappa Chi: Mixing the old and the new

Alpha Kappa Chi: Mixing the old and the new

Grace Ballenger | February 11, 2015

Classics society revived on campus Wellesley’s Alpha Kappa Chi seems an unlikely mix of old and new. An old society that is now being revived also focuses on classics and antiquity, and hopes to be modern...

Outdoor sculptures add artistic interest on campus

Outdoor sculptures add artistic interest on campus

Grace Ballenger | December 3, 2014

Tony Matelli’s Sleepwalker statue caused a furor on campus last year that launched Wellesley into both national and international news. It was not, however, the only outdoor sculpture on campus. Many...

KSC renovations to be completed by January 2015

KSC renovations to be completed by January 2015

Grace Ballenger | November 12, 2014

Renovations to the Keohane Sports Center (KSC) Fieldhouse began in March, and the construction remains on schedule, which means that the Fieldhouse will likely be open for second semester this year as...

Davis Scholars balance unique identities at Wellesley

Grace Ballenger | November 6, 2014

The woman in front of me looks just like any other Wellesley student. Young, with hazel eyes, short blond hair and a can of Coke. At 27, however, she is older than the typical Wellesley student. Her name...

Japanese, Spanish, Italian and French assistants speak on their adjustments to life at Wellesley

Grace Ballenger | October 23, 2014

Holding classes, having office hours, hosting events and helping students with their conversation and grammar skills are roles that many students associate with professors, but all of these duties may...

Lia Wang '16, Graphics Editor

Archives unearths records of historical tree planted at Wellesley

Grace Ballenger | October 9, 2014

Recent events in the archives seem like a plot of a mystery novel: Friends of Nancy Corcoran, the Catholic chaplain, found an annotation in a Hawaiian memoir that led to a search for a tree that Queen...

Students, faculty propose changes to common spaces in Clapp Library

Students, faculty propose changes to common spaces in Clapp Library

Grace Ballenger | October 1, 2014

The Advisory Committee on Library and Technology Policies reached out to students last month to get student feedback on a proposed project to re-examine the use of academic commons. The library staff also...

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