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The student newspaper of Wellesley College since 1901

The Wellesley News

The student newspaper of Wellesley College since 1901

The Wellesley News

The student newspaper of Wellesley College since 1901

The Wellesley News

All content by Kaylee Nielson
Senate Report 3/11/20

Senate Report 3/11/20

Kaylee Nielson | March 11, 2020

College Government President calls for executive session In the initial minutes of Senate, President Diana Lam ’20 called for an executive session and asked non-voting members to step out during discussion...

Senate Report 2/26/20

Senate Report 2/26/20

Kaylee Nielson | February 27, 2020

Senate Elections As Senate elections approach, we are asked to get involved and stay involved in the Wellesley community. With each new school year, a quarter of our community graduates, and half of a...

Senate Report 2/10/20

Senate Report 2/10/20

Kaylee Nielson | February 12, 2020

Chinese Student Association Responds to CoronaVirus  As the world reacts to the deadliest outbreak in Chinese history, the Chinese Student Association (CSA) reminds us of our humanity, focusing the...

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