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The student newspaper of Wellesley College since 1901

The Wellesley News

The student newspaper of Wellesley College since 1901

The Wellesley News

The student newspaper of Wellesley College since 1901

The Wellesley News

All content by Noor Pirani
The Fourth National Climate Assessment detailed the impacts of climate change Photo Courtesy of ABC News

Global warning: climate change threatens U.S. economy, human health and cultural identity

Noor Pirani | December 6, 2018

Thousands of research studies have documented evidence that Earth’s climate is changing, with many reports specifying human activity as the primary cause. While we may be familiar with global warming’s...

Your body burns calories even at rest Photo Courtesy of Shutterstock

Timing is everything: the amount of calories burned at rest may vary throughout the day

Noor Pirani | November 14, 2018

We all know that strenuous exercise like running or swimming can help burn off extra calories. But did you know that your body is burning calories even as you sit at your desk and pore over this article?...

Your nose knows the way: Senses of smell and navigation may be linked

Noor Pirani | October 25, 2018

Who would have thought that your sense of smell and your ability to navigate are related? Though this appears to be a somewhat random connection, neuroscientists published a study this month suggesting...

New paint can reduce environmental impact of AC

Beat the heat: Scientists engineer cooling paints for buildings

Noor Pirani | October 3, 2018

When you feel hot indoors during the summer, your first impulse might be to crank up the air conditioning. Millions of other people likely have the same inclination, and although these machines are effective...

To be or not to BPA: Alternatives to Bisphenol A may prove harmful

Noor Pirani | September 20, 2018

If you look at the bottom of your plastic water bottle, chances are you’ll find the words “BPA-free” imprinted underneath. This marking refers to the compound Bisphenol A, which has proven harmful...

The We-Lab is Wellesley’s engineering laboratory
Photo by Lien Dao '20, Photo Editor

Wellesley offers diverse opportunities for students pursuing engineering

Noor Pirani | December 6, 2017

Imagine taking a course that examines engineering through the lens of social justice and conflict. Or picture traveling to Nicaragua to work on engineering fieldwork projects, such as solar panel assembly...

Photo courtesy of Havannah Tran '19

Where technology meets innovation and collaboration: Wellesley hosts fifth iteration of WHACK

Noor Pirani | November 15, 2017

Wellesley College’s semi-annual hackathon (WHACK), a 36-hour invention competition, took place this past weekend and brought together 300 collegiate participants from across the Northeast. The Computer...

Computer Science department strives to foster equity and inclusion among students

Noor Pirani | October 30, 2017

Though it is one of the country’s fastest- growing industries, the technology and computing sector is still characterized by an underrepresentation of employees who identify as minorities, including...

Students recently created the Pakistani Students Association
Photo by Stacey Kim '19, Contributing Photographer

New Pakistani Students Association fosters identity and promotes authentic cultural representation on campus

Noor Pirani | September 23, 2017

Composed of a highly diverse student body, Wellesley College supports a variety of student-led cultural organizations on campus. One such group, the Pakistani Students Association (PSA), was recently created...

Wellesley College Chapel | Photo courtesy of Boston College Library

Participation in off-campus religious and spiritual events enriches students’ liberal arts experience

Noor Pirani | March 24, 2017

Restructured in 1993, the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life (ORSL) has since served as a resource for students to engage in spiritual or faith-based events and practices throughout college. With over...

Each year, the softball team goes trick-or-treating with Maeve Flack, a recipient of
VocaliD’s customized voices. | Photo courtesy of Sydney Hopper '19.

Wellesley’s first voice drive enables non-verbal individuals to embrace their identity

Noor Pirani | February 10, 2017

For most people, the concept of a donation drive brings to mind collecting food donations, used clothing or other items of necessity. Few consider the thought of donating their voice, an effort that has...

Isabel Yick ’19 and Taylor DuRoss ’19 bake a cake for an order. Photo by Lien Diao '20, Staff Photographer

From cakes to smoothies, students launch food businesses on campus

Noor Pirani | November 10, 2016

For many Wellesley students, college serves as an opportunity to explore new interests and passions. However, this period of exploration is not limited to academics; many choose to undertake new hobbies,...

Graphic courtesy of Amal Cheema '17.

New waitlist system guarantees a streamlined course registration

Noor Pirani | April 29, 2016

Studying at a rigorous and highly acclaimed liberal arts institution, Wellesley students often put significant thought into the courses they plan to take the following semester. With growing class sizes...

Shakespeare Society is performing the play “Much Ado About Nothing". | Photo courtesy of Zarina Patwa '18, Features Editor

College pays tribute to the Bard’s 400th anniversary with art exhibitions, film screenings and performances

Noor Pirani | April 13, 2016

From “The Comedy of Errors” to “Macbeth,” Shakespeare’s works have earned him a title as one of England’s finest writers and dramatists. The year 2016 marks the 400th anniversary of the famous...

Catenella accompanies an introductory ballet class. Photo courtesy of Pallas Catenella.

Catenella pursues her passion for classical music as a piano accompanist

Noor Pirani | April 8, 2016

Born in Singapore, Pallas Catenella ’17 has also lived in Indonesia, Jordan, Hungary, Russia, Egypt and is currently based in Italy. It is her extensive travel experience, she says, that greatly contributed...

Student uses Linkedin to expand their professional networks. | Photo by Natalia Marques '19, Photography Editor.

Students evaluate the effectiveness of LinkedIn when exploring professional opportunities

Noor Pirani | March 9, 2016

Launched in May 2003, the social networking site LinkedIn was created in order for professionals to discover new business opportunities and maintain contact with their colleagues. Of the 332 million users...

Increase in extinction of pollinators threatens world’s food supply

Noor Pirani | March 4, 2016

Your morning cup of coffee, the apple you ate for lunch and the salad you plan to eat for dinner all have one thing in common: each of these foods consist of crops that were grown with the help of pollinators....

Chow for Now: making vegan breakfasts on the go

Chow for Now: making vegan breakfasts on the go

Noor Pirani | February 10, 2016

We have all experienced those panicked mornings when alarm clocks don’t go off, or we hit “snooze” unconsciously. In those instances, it is easiest to have breakfast on the go, simply grabbing something...

Wellesley is known for its strong alumnae network. | Image from

Through collaboration with organizations, alumnae reconnect with the Wellesley community

Noor Pirani | February 3, 2016

With over 35,000 alumnae in total, Wellesley College graduates constitute one of the world’s most influential women’s network. For some of these individuals, graduation signifies the conclusion of...

Developments in Higher Education: 12/2

Developments in Higher Education: 12/2

Noor Pirani | December 4, 2015

College enrollment of low-income students decreases Within the past eight years, many college students have witnessed an increase in financial assistance offered by their respective colleges. Despite...

Student holds recently printed 3D sculpture. Photo by Megan Stormberg '18.

3D printing club encourages creation and innovation

Noor Pirani | November 23, 2015

In his 2013 State of the Union address, President Obama spoke of the developments in 3D printing, a new medium of technology that uses computer-generated digital prototypes to form real objects. In the...

Developments in Higher Education: 10/28

Developments in Higher Education: 10/28

Noor Pirani | October 30, 2015

Medical school enrollment increases over past decade Medical schools nationwide have experienced a notable increase in applications and enrollments, according to statistics released this week by the...

A student makes a donation to the SOS campaign. Photo courtesy of Megan Stormberg '18

Students Organized for Syria launches relief effort for Syrian refugees

Noor Pirani | October 29, 2015

You may have noticed the plastic containers and paper bags in the Freeman and Shafer lobbies, overflowing with food, clothes, blankets and toiletries. This collections drive is part of the Students...

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