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The Wellesley News

The student newspaper of Wellesley College since 1901

The Wellesley News

The student newspaper of Wellesley College since 1901

The Wellesley News

Shadow grading will promote academic curiosity

May 7, 2014

By AMAL CHEEMA ’17  Assistant Opinions Editor Wellesley is instituting a shadow grading policy this fall for the incoming class of 2018. While students may argue that it will dampen students’ drive,...

Patton’s unfounded claims about marriage mislead college women

February 26, 2014

By  AMAL CHEEMA ’17  Staff Writer Last year, Susan Patton, a Princeton graduate wrote a letter to the her alma mater’s newspaper urging students to “Find a husband on campus before you graduate.” ...

In light of recent Muñoz case, Texas life support laws should be revised

February 6, 2014

By AMAL CHEEMA ’17 Staff Writer As medicine progresses, we are left with a new ethical debate on how far we should go to preserve life. This past week, Marlize Muñoz of Texas was taken off life support...

Colleges should rebalance finances rather than adopt need-aware policies: Financially biased admissions hurt students from low-income backgrounds

November 6, 2013

By Amal Cheema ’17  Staff Writer  When it comes to money and prestige, not all schools act with integrity. Some schools  falsify or provide misleading information about financial aid. Last month,...

United States should ratify United Nations treaty on children’s rights

October 30, 2013

by AMAL CHEEMA '17, Staff Writer For the past 30 years, the United States, in company with South Sudan and the anarchic Somalia, has refused to support the international effort to ensure one of the most...

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