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The Wellesley News

The student newspaper of Wellesley College since 1901

The Wellesley News

The student newspaper of Wellesley College since 1901

The Wellesley News

WAAM-SLAM2 organizers rally supporters at teach in

WAAM-SLAM2 organizers rally supporters at teach in

May 12, 2014

Student coalition brainstorms next steps By XUEYING CHEN ’16 Co Editor-in-Chief WAAM-SLAM2 assembled a teach in with the College community last Friday after student representatives met with Wellesley...

Students of color share experiences on “I, Too, Am Wellesley”

May 8, 2014

Photo campaign highlights racial prejudices on campus By XUEYING CHEN ’16 Co-Editor-in-Chief The first 40 photos of the “I, Too, Am Wellesley” campaign were published on Tumblr last Friday. The page...

WAAM-SLAM2 organizers rally supporters at teach in

May 7, 2014

Student coalition brainstorms next steps By XUEYING CHEN ’16 Co Editor-in-Chief WAAM-SLAM2 assembled a teach in with the College community last Friday after student representatives met with Wellesley...

WAAM-SLAM2 protests against administration, demands Latin@ and ethnic studies

April 16, 2014

By XUEYING CHEN ’16 and GRACE BENNETT-PIERRE ’16 Co-Editor-in-Chief and Staff Writer Students marched in two protests on Saturday at the Seven Sisters Latin@ Conference in Pendleton Atrium and yesterday...

Emergency Management Team convened several times this winter due to heavy snows

April 11, 2014

By XUEYING CHEN ’16 Co-Editor-in-Chief The Emergency Management Team at the College has convened several times this school year because Wellesley and its surrounding areas have received an unusually...

Shakespeare Society cleverly adapts ‘Julius Caesar’ to a post-apocalyptic world

April 9, 2014

By XUEYING CHEN ’16 Co-Editor-in-Chief Students, faculty and staff who enjoy post-apocalyptic television shows should attend Shakespeare Society’s modern adaptation of “Julius Caesar,” directed...

Amnesty International chapter celebrates International Women’s Day: Layli Miller-Muro speaks about her work with survivors of gender based-violence

March 13, 2014

By XUEYING CHEN ’16 News Editor Wellesley’s branch of Amnesty International celebrated International Women’s Day this past Saturday in Tishman Commons. Nearly 45 students attended the keynote address. The...

College hosts annual Alumnae Achievement Awards

March 5, 2014

By XUEYING CHEN ’16 and EVELYN TAYLOR-MCGREGOR ’16 News Editor and Assistant News Editor The College honored Tracy Orleans ’70 and Eva Sommaripa ’63 last Thursday evening with the 2014 Diana...

Admins discuss ‘Sleepwalker’ controversy

February 19, 2014

By XUEYING CHEN ’16 News Editor President H. Kim Bottomly, Provost and Dean of the College Andy Shennan and Dean of Students Debra DeMeis spoke with the Wellesley News yesterday about the College’s...

Wellesley provides non-tenure-track faculty with competitive benefits: Adjunct professors face poor working conditions at other universities

February 6, 2014

By XUEYING CHEN ’16 News Editor Wellesley remains unaffected by a nationwide campaign to unionize non-tenure-track faculty, including adjunct professors and lecturers. According to the Boston Globe,...

Academic Council releases survey concerning governance priorities: Members concerned with low participation that may affect the Council’s ability to pass legislation

December 4, 2013

By XUEYING CHEN ’16 News Editor This semester, Academic Council conducted a survey of its members to determine governance priorities after Professor Ann Velenchik suggested that the Council’s agenda...

College compiles interim report for New England Association of Schools and College accreditation: Wellesley undergoes re-accreditation every 10 years

November 20, 2013

By XUEYING CHEN ’16 News Editor Every 10 years, Wellesley College undergoes a re-accreditation process conducted by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) that reviews every...

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