We all know the classic holy trinity, Chicago, MLA and APA. These citation styles have been used since the dawn of academic time. But let’s be honest. I know it, you know it, the Purdue Owl knows it — those bitches are tired. Boring. Out of style. There are better, cleaner, more efficient ways to cite our sources. It’s time to make our bibliographies really stand out, so without further ado, here are our top picks for dazzling new citation styles:
- Page-count-sources-cited: Cut to the chase –– tell me how many pages I actually have to read to sound smart at Thanksgiving.
- Elementary: Tell me like I’m seven. Do away with the date, title and author, and just tell me what the vibe is. Long article written by an old white man about an older white man? Pass.
- Boston: Like Chicago, just a little meaner and costs about 30% more to print. Undeniably cooler overall.
- Image: Month of publication is so dated, but Dark Academica is timeless. Why use a series of dates and surnames if a moody picture of dusty old books could say it all?
- Audio: Picture this: your bibliography, but whispered in a sultry English accent (preferably Idris Elba).
We’ve also come up with new ways to organize your bibliographies instead of that dull, drab, uninspired alphabetical approach. Consider ordering them by:
- Physical attractiveness of the author: Hotties first. Sorry, Foucault, you’re mid.
- How badly your professor seems to wish they came up with it themselves: Easy Bib and Zotero just added a jealousy index sorting feature!
- How many times you’ve considered changing your major while reading it: Ranked from ‘This is fine’ to ‘Does Econ 101 still have open seats?’
- How likely your Instagram infographic activist friend is to actually read it based on the political implications of the title: If it doesn’t fit on a Canva post, it might as well not exist.
- Best to worst titular pick-up lines for your next night out: It’s all fun and games until you’re seducing someone with “A Post-Structuralist Reading of Modernity.”
We hope this helps you out with those final papers!