Cleanses are incredibly good for your health and have proven benefits like a clearer mind, flatter stomach, and diarrhea for days. Juice cleanses are out, and new cleanses are in. Here are some new cleanses we at the Snooze have tried this semester:
- Sleep cleanse:
Ingredients: Adderall, vending machine Monster
Instructions: Crush up your Adderall, separate into lines, snort. Take a knee, chug a Monster. Do this every six hours for two weeks.
- Poop cleanse:
Ingredients: Copious amounts of gluten-filled products, no fiber, vibes
Instructions: Hold it in
- Mobility cleanse:
Ingredients: Servant
Instructions: Lay down, don’t move, beg your roommate to fill your water bottle
- Celibacy cleanse:
Ingredients: Your hot bod
Instructions: Have tons of hot steamy gay sex*
*it doesn’t count as self-destructive if you’re drunk
- Sobriety cleanse:
Ingredients: Copious amounts of drugs and alcohol
Instructions: Go on a bender, no holds barred.*
- Class cleanse:
Just don’t go.